Fish With Unique And Interesting Head Parts
Lionhead Goldfish is my favorite pet fish because it has a head that is different from the others, m Read more
Lionhead Goldfish is a cross between a goldfish and a cheffish. Therefore, this goldfish has a head with several bumps. In the 17th and 18th centuries, this type of goldfish was introduced and bred in China and Japan. The breeding results in Japan produced lion head goldfish with a rounded back, modified tail, and minor head growth size.
Common Name
Chinese Lionhead Goldfish, Fancy Goldfish, Maruko, Buffalo-Head Goldfish
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Carassius auratus
Carassius auratus
Lionhead Goldfish is my favorite pet fish because it has a head that is different from the others, m Read more
Product Offers for Lionhead Goldfish Care: Aqua Culture Glass Aquarium, or find other offers here